This week on Belindabilly Recommends, we're giving a shout out to our favorite fabric printers, Spoonflower Fabrics.
Spoonflower is a local (Durham, NC) custom printing company that helps designers (anyone who uploads an image) create their own fabrics (their is quite a selection, including eco-friendly choices), as well as wallpaper and wall decals. They also have a wonderful community and marketplace, holding weekly design contests to which anyone can submit and vote.
Winning fabric of Spoonflower's recent "80's Embroidery Pattern" themed contest. |
The marketplace is an especially wonderful feature, because as a crafter, quilter, or hobby sewer, you can find almost any fabric your heart desires, and purchase it from an independent designer on high quality fabric of your choice. Plus, the cut-and-sew ideas that designers come up with can be pretty amazing and exciting.
"Zip-Up Zombie" by happysewlucky - click to see sewn up pics |
The marketplace also offers fabric designers (of all backgrounds and experience levels) a chance to showcase their own designs in curated collections in their own shop, as well as create private designs for their own use. Quilters may enjoy this collection aspect quite a bit, because you can create and/or purchase fabrics that use the same color scheme, have the same designer hand, and often share a central theme. Belindabilly uses Spoonflower printing alongside screen-printing for many of our collections, including our Signature line because it gives us complete control over the textiles and the final look of the garments. We've even recently opened our own shop for the fun fabrics that we create outside of our fashion collections (yes, we design in our free time!), so you can make your own creations with Belindabilly fabrics.
All in all, Spoonflower is a great company that Belindabilly loves and want to recommend to you! Check them out at their new headquarters during their open house on November 3!